getting out , getting about

Just 'popping' into The Warehouse ... this is me realising that my days of just 'popping' anywhere are gone, there is no 'popping in' with twins lol .  

Just 'popping' into The Warehouse ... this is me realising that my days of just 'popping' anywhere are gone, there is no 'popping in' with twins lol .  

Today I had a 10am dentist appointment for the twins . They don't have teeth yet, but I think the theory is that good habits start early ? Anyway, getting anywhere with the twins in tow normally takes at least double the time my overly optimistic self has estimated . Plus, I had my Kauri boy to get off to school too . So it made for a busy morning , lucky my Aunty came to give me a hand, yay for helpjng hands. I'm still getting the hang of this twin wrangling , I think I'm making progress ? Though I still have a long, long way to go . Normally half the battle is getting out the door, the prep, feeding , packing necessities, changing nappies etc. Sometimes that part really is the bulk of the battle , and when you're in your way the rest falls into place . Other times though, it truly is only half of it , the other half then trying to figure out then execute how you're actually going to get from the car to where you're going ?! Today , we had a dentist appointment at the local hospital, a place not renowned for its  great parking. Side note, it was also pissing down with torrential rain, just my luck .I was praying that there'd be a park and not have it end  up that I have to park across the road . As it transpired, I ended up in the middle of the car park with about 50-100m to walk before getting under some shelter, a daunting prospect still due to the fact that I had myself and the twins to transport and I was on my own . My original plan had been to  wear one in the Moby wrap and carry one in my arms , yet the rain put a dampener (hahaha) on that idea, as the thought of having to wrangle 5m of fabric in the rain , the manhandle a baby into it then haul the other one , it just didn't seem like a good idea. The rain was brutal and all three of us would have been drenched by the time we got even halfway ready . I hadn't bought my pram either , it's large and bulky and heavy. My original original plan had been to walk from home with the pram, circumnavigating the need for caring about parking etc, but it's a long walk and the rain put a stop to that idea . The twins would have been snug as but I would have been absolutely soaked . I hindsight , maybe I should have bought the pram, sure I would have got wet putting it up and getting the covers on, but the girls would have stayed as dry as they could . In the end, what happened was I just carried both girls in their capsules and tried to run as fast as I could . I got drenched and my arms burnt from the strain of the weight ( note to self , maybe get back into some strength training ?!) and the girls got a little wet despite my best efforts to cover them with a blanket each . But we made it in, and on time might I add ! One the way out the lovely nurse lent me a hand , helping me carry them to the foyer and then waiting with them while I bought the car to the covered loading zone . I really have had to get a lot better at accepting help when it's offered ! It was very kind of her , it kept us dry . These are the dilemmas I face as a new twin mum, trying to find my groove and figure out what works best for what situation . Sometimes it's the pram, sometimes the capsules . Sometimes it's wearing one carrying the other. Sometimes it's not going out unless I have someone to come with me to help . Sometimes it's none of these options and I just have to pick the least shitty one . I am hoping to get a woven wrap to do tandem carrying with , I did get one off TradeMe but it turned out to be ever so slightly too short ! I am also considering a twingo / twingaroo carrier , and hoping I unearth my ring slings from when Kauri was a baby. And I guess as the girls get stronger and better body control, they'd sit better in a more compact umbrella type stroller. There are so many options , I just need to figure out what works best for me in any given situation ! Pictured is me today, trying to do a quick scout of The Warehouse , one in the Moby, one in my arms ! And realising nothing is ever 'quick' with twins !