in these times, in this place

Some musings from over on my Instagram , mainly just ruminating and wondering on how the simple and oft overlooked act of mothering (and parenting / mentoring etc ) can act as a social activism practice .  

How we live our days is how we live our lives . Right now my days are knee deep in mothering and child rearing , but I'm starting to shift my viewpoint about what this means , and how it can be imbued with just as much potential, value and impact as much larger more visible and dynamic acts and practices.  

Ode to Kauri, firstborn son . For whom the path was forged and who forged it with me , into deepest mothering. You firstborn paves the way for a smoother ride (somewhat ) for those siblings that follow . It's alongside your firstborn that the maiden is shed, she grows and rends into the motherform. A baptism by fire if I ever did see one , in milk and tears. 


Almost 7 year old . Bespectacled boy child . Trying my best to raise him well , surely it's  in the raising of the next generation that  we find great  potential for healing what's broken now?So maybe sometimes we forget the power in mothering / parenting, it's often woefully undervalued as a job / practice / thing to do / societal service / essential task... Peace starts at home ✌️, in your own very home, within your own very life, in your rituals and duties , your relationships with others and if you're bestowed with kids, then also in how you raise them up . Maybe at this moment in my life when I'm drowning in kids, 1 of my own acts of social activism are hidden in the domestic everyday nature of my life, in how I mother my kids and what, through them , I put forth into this world and it's future. The season of the mother . It won't always be, things will shift and my contributions to the greater world will shift , this too shall pass.. the good, bad , exquisite and heartbreak . Maiden. Mother. Crone. So I try hard, and I'm not perfect and I don't get it right , especially since Kauri is my firstborn , probably the twins will get me as a parent 

2.0 (slightly improved ) . Parenting has taught me a lot , challenged me and continues to . I try to teach my son well in the seemingly small things , like how to make your bed , how to wash your hair , please don't  pick your nose but if so, do it in private, the value of a tidy space, how to make toast the big things , like respect for others , compassion, tolerance,taking responsibility for yourself and actions,  love and care for our earth / environment , consent , not to fear what's different , cosmic wonder,self love etc etc etc ...and everything in between . Like I said , I'm imperfect , im constantly reevaluating my performance and learning , but im trying . And once more ... peace starts at home . There's work to be done, this isn't all of it.. but it's certainly part of it.✌️