on weddings

Sometimes I do weddings. Not often, maybe because I never chased them down, or maybe because I haven't quite figured out how I fit with the current iterations of wedding photography, or if I fit at all. Mostly, probably, because just haven't been photographically active in that way, in a commercial sense, where I look for jobs, for money.  My last two weddings were freebies for family members actually, and the motivation behind doing them was not for money but for love, and for the compulsion that lives within me to document and tell stories, and for the itch to take photos.  

Weddings are hard work. Hard, honest graft. I get a certain anxiety before each one, where I mull over my ability to capture the event in all it's glory. Me being me, I probably have some doubting words with myself, but then always shake it off with a determined bravado. The day is high pressure and busy, there is so much to capture. It's a one shot kind of deal, no replays, no do overs.  I have only ever worked alone, so the task sits squarely on my shoulders, while two DSLR's swing around my neck. (I feel that the next day). 

Once I start shooting, I tend to settle in and become so compelled to document that there is not chance for anxiety to shout my bravado down again. I loosen up and being to revel in the pleasure of taking photos and capturing the day, the emotions, it's honest beauty. 

And at the end of the day I am elated and joyous, and look forward to the hours of editing and processing, whittling and refining what I shot into a truthful narrative of a beautiful day. I agonise over details, and ponder possibilities, and happily relive precious moments.

I have done less than 10 weddings, I am but a novice. Yet even those few have taught me vast lessons about documenting, working with people,  crafting images under pressure, and having faith and confidence in myself. I relish the chance to story-tell that each one brings, the chance to practice my craft, and to learn. 

I will begin updating my gallery page (it's currently bone bare), and some of that will be wedding work. In the meantime, here is a video I put together for a wedding I did in 2014. Images are all black and white, however I did colour too. I edited the wedding in Lightroom, and please note, I was very new to Lightroom! I have learnt quite a lot since then, though I am still learning it's ins and outs - it was not around when I was at photography school. The music is generic YouTube music.