
My website is still coming together at a glacial pace, the art section of my blog and portfolio not quite as burgeoning with work and commentary as I had initially hoped, but life has been… lifey, and I’ll get there in the end. Yes, that’s what I will keep telling myself.

I did think I would add another section though -  motherhood. And here we are standing on the threshold of its inaugural blogpost. While not being a prolific blogger and writer, I though this section would be a good place for me to digest thoughts and experiences as I progress through my own motherhood journey. As I keep trying to remind myself, do good work and share it, and maybe someone somewhere would find something of interest in my tale. Personally, I also feel I need an outlet for reflecting back on my journey, and for what’s to come…

Because let me tell you about what’s to come…



Due sometime next month, all going well, if they stay put!

They are Mo/Di twins and therefore this pregnancy has been quite different from my first, with fortnightly scans and appointments from about 16 weeks. Hopefully in my next post I can start to share what the journey of this twin pregnancy has been like, it’s ups and downs and just how supremely interesting I have found it all.

 I am also already a mother to my son Kauri who is six, my firstborn. He laid the path, our journey together into the unknown of motherhood, twisting and turning right into the depths of my heart, soul and being. Firstborn, first everything, and from him I learnt so much and continue to do so. I would like to look back over this journey and remember it and honour it, and maybe in my reflection I will rediscover wisdom, remember challenges, be humbled and reminded, and that will help me with the new aspect to come – transition from a mother of one to a mother of three!

How vast can your heart be? Soon it will be my chance to see, to learn.

So there’s a brief overview of my ‘mummy credentials’. Just another woman with many facets, one of them being motherhood, making her way through life…imperfectly. And talking out loud to the internet. 

And why is the picture so big? I am still figuring out how to configure my page properly, bear with me!

A wayback throwback - breastfeeding Kauri, getting a hang of this motherhood thing. 

A wayback throwback - breastfeeding Kauri, getting a hang of this motherhood thing.